

Hi, everyone


I would like to nominate Samantha Warren for membership in AACORN.


Sam Warren a professor at Cardiff Business School and is best known for her writing on visual methodologies in management and organizational research, but she is interested in sensory methods more broadly and how they can help us to understand the aesthetic dimensions of organization in a practical way. Her research interests center on the marginal or overlooked in organization studies (particularly as they relate to emotion, aesthetics and the body) - she has written on fun at work, the management of pregnancy, iPods and flash-mobbing, drugs and drug-testing, workplace bullying, smell in office environments, office clutter, accountants’ professional identities, dress, Christmas… and is currently researching the lives and work of underground techno DJs.  She divides her time between the south coasts of Wales and England and loves that she can see the sea from the bedroom window of both her homes. She has also taken on the role of associate editor for Organizational Aesthetics.







Steven S. Taylor, PhD