

So sorry I won't be there to help you out with the room.  I thought it was taken care of this year!  For future reference -- let people know that there is an advantage to having the Boyle room connected to yours.  Not only are you not sharing a bathroom with a stranger, but you also get extra blankets and pillows!

I will try to come to Kazoo next year but will probably stay at a hotel, since I can no longer handle the freezing cold and/or heat and flimsy blankets.   But I'll help if I can!

From: Sidney-Spenser Discussion List <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Roger Kuin <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, May 1, 2017 5:10 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: URGENT: Boyle Room at Kalamazoo

(Apologies for those not going to Kalamazoo, but this is the quickest way to reach the mostest. Non-goers can delete at this point.)

As FussPot 2, I have been fretting about the possibility of not getting a Boyle Room at all, which seems increasingly likely and would be Awful. So I have come up with a Plan B, which I submit for your consideration. It is this: we might ask someone who already has a dorm room to trade it for a hotel room in one of the modest conference hotels (not the Radisson, but somewhere like the Holiday Inn West, where Anne and I stay); since we always pay for the Boyle Room anyway, we could stretch a point and pay Colleague X’s hotel room. I will be happy to put up $100 toward it. Only snag: Colleague Y in the adjoining room would have to be OK with this. So I throw out the idea here, and let’s see if anyone is interested.
