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Final Call for Papers

Strategies for the future of scientific and cultural
knowledge and expression
[sustainability – heritage – technology – education]


6th International Scientific Meeting
for Sound and Musical Instrument Studies



24-27 Agosto | August 2017

INTRODUCTION: In this special conference we welcome participation from all areas, proposing to communicate your work on scientific and cultural heritage which is thought to be relevant to sound and musical instrument research and creative output, comprising innovative technology and issues regarding sustainability (matters on preservation of rare species and forest genetic resources are among these). We strongly invite all those who care and are willing to step forward with solutions and propositions concerning the four main topics, to be discussed and summoned during the conference days. ANIMUSIC provides a space and time to share concepts, discoveries, methodologies, experience, research and practical outcome from all fields touched by Organology (namely museology, acoustics, archaeology, education, visual arts and conservation methodologies, engineering, etc.) - a highly valued interchange which bridges science and art. ANIMUSIC foments interdisciplinary cooperation, considered a vital key to the assessment of reality with a broad perspective. This year's special Focus on Education is coordinated by GEFAM (Switzerland); we encourage the inclusiveness of performance issues and singing. ANIMUSIC and partners welcome people from all over the world to participate in a unique meeting which gathers partakers involved in the present and future of culture, interested in knowledge exchange and open regarding different perspectives about the creative sound.
This year the congress is in the famous city of Porto, which has a rich patrimony including the impressive number of around 50 historical organs - some shall be visited and demonstrated during the congress. Porto also has an important carillon in the gorgeous baroque Tower of Clerigos (a recital by the carillonist Ana Elias is planned), besides the famous Port wine... We are offering as an extra-program a marvellous cruise up the Douro (meaning "of gold") river, where the famous vineyards are cultivated on layers of centenary stone terraces.

INCLUDED in the congress: recitals and concerts with historic and innovative instruments, namely by composer Graham Hair and Scottish Voices superlative music, Ancient Music Ireland presenting the new replicas of the Irish/British Iron Age trumpets (trumpa mór) and a pair of traditional Nepalese narsingra in comparison, ‘Body Music: Japanese Bunraku revisited’ from the project KikiT VisuoSonic presented by Professor Maurice Owen from Southampton Solent University, and a special performance by the archeao-ethnographic music research group from Chile ‘Chimuchina’ (possibly with the support from the Chilean government); exhibition/ENCONTROIM (encounter for makers and collectors of musical instruments); a Skype presentation from one of the founders of sustainability in music, directly from the USA, Professor Jeff Titon; discussion, panels, roundtables and a brain storm session; workshops and a pioneer Maker's LAB where makers have the chance to explain in detail their original inventions and projects, showing the participants the actual practice; and also the presentation of the newest project in education dedicated to Organology which is being developed by ANIMUSIC.
SUBMISSION: please send your proposal/s by the 31st of May

We welcome proposals for papers (15+5mn for questions and handover), panels (one hour), posters and workshops, as well as demonstrations, videos, lecture-recitals (30 to 40 minutes) and full concerts (between one hour and one and a half hour). In addition, participants, namely inventors, makers and collectors, have the possibility to show a selection of their musical instruments or designs at the Exhibition. The ENCONTROIM is a special showcase offered by ANIMUSIC and the hosts, with no charge (the access is open and free to the general public). There is also a specific display area for books, scores, and other items, available during the conference days. The common language for presentations is English. Papers may be read in Portuguese, Spanish, French or Italian, provided the PowerPoint projection is in English. We also provide direct translation from other languages if necessary and possible - please contact us if you need help.
We look forward to abstracts that describe original and technically excellent research from various perspectives. The title, abstract (in English or bilingual, of up to 300 words), and a biographical note (up to 100 words) should be received by email on or before the 31st of May (2nd Call for Papers deadline). The results shall be communicated individually by middle June after being peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Papers presented at the Organological Congresses may be submitted for publication in the conference proceedings (books collection ‘Liranimus’ and online).

Please send proposals to:

Given our extraordinary research area, we are very fortunate to be able to encourage practical demonstrations - we are indeed honoured and thankful to the generous offers of recitals, concerts and impromptus by the great musicians who have so much contributed to the natural and incomparable involvement of our “always unique” meetings. For the OC2017, we gratefully acknowledge our gracious hosts, the ‘Fundação Maria Isabel Guerra Junqueiro e Luís Pinto de Mesquita Carvalho’ and the Municipality of Porto, and the generous financial contributions from Dr Eng Giulio Salvadori and the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, as well as all our other partners and supporters.