

William Herschel and the Universe: a film by George Sibley

On March 13th, 1781, in his own back yard, using a telescope he built 
himself, a 42-year old musician named William Herschel found a new planet 
for the first time in history. That discovery doubled the size of the known 
solar system and would change not only his own life, but astronomy as well. 
William Herschel and the Universe, by Florida film maker George Sibley, 
tells the story of how a previously unknown amateur astronomer and his 
telescopes took the scientific world by storm.

special showing in seminar room 2, Department of History & Philosophy of 
Science, Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RH

6 June 2017, 4pm

Introduced by the filmmaker George Sibley, the film will be followed by a 
Q&A with George Sibley and Simon Schaffer.