

Hello all,

I wished to email to announce that the call for papers for our Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2017 is open.
The conference will take place at The Congress Centre on Great Russell Street, on the 4th of July, with confirmed keynotes from:
We are now opening up the event for submissions that reflect, challenge or stretch the conference theme; Taking Education Further, with a strong focus on the following:


With the launch of the TEF by Hefce, UK HE institutions are reflecting on their teaching practices to highlight the strengths of what they do and how they provide for and support their student populations. The Taking Education Further theme aims to tease out such reflections to celebrate the good practice and innovation across the sector and to give these a professional platform to be shared across the community.

This conference focusses on the extent to which educators and institutions must go to provide a rich student experience and an engaging and inclusive learning environment for all. The conference will cover a range of topics directly related to Teaching, learner support, engagement, design and delivery methods, as well as technological innovations leading towards efficacy in teaching and learning. We invite contributions from educators who are pushing boundaries, innovating and redefining their teaching to positively impact the futures of those in higher education.

CETL would particularly like to encourage joint submissions around staff-staff or student-staff  projects, submissions from new researchers, PhD candidates or Action Research projects which aim to improve teaching methods and approaches.
The call for papers can be found on Easychair at this URL:

Submissions are to be made through email to: [log in to unmask]

Please note: the submission deadline has been extended until the end of May.

Please feel free to share with your colleagues and from LSBM, we look forward to seeing you there!

Geraldine Murphy


Academic Lead for Teaching and Learning

London School of Business and Management 


Phone:           +44 (0)20 7078 8840                                                    

Ext:                 322

Address:        Dilke House, 1 Malet St, London. WC1E 7JN



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