

*** This list is supported by IAML(UK & Irl). Find out more about IAML(UK & Irl) and how to join at ***

Dear colleagues,

We have a spare copy of the following, free to a good home.  This is a classic in the bibliography of journal literature.

Fellinger, Imogen.  Verzeichnis der Musikzeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts.  Regensburg: Gustav Bosse Verlag, 1968.

Please contact me if you're interested.


Geoff Thomason Ph.D, Mus.M, Mus.B, ARCM, LTCL, Dip.Lib.
Deputy Librarian
Royal Northern College of Music
124 Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9RD
Education Officer IAML (UK & Irl)
T 0161 907 5245
E [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><>



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   *  Up to six ILL requests may be made in any single email message. Satisfied requests should always be reported back to the list using the same subject line to save the time of others who might still be trying to help.

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