

3rd call; apologies for cross-posting!

8. Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 8), University of Copenhagen, October 12-14, 2017

We invite abstracts for 30-minute presentations (20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion) and poster presentations on any aspect of the linguistics of heritage languages in the Americas (e.g., structural, generative, historical, sociolinguistic, or experimental). Abstracts might be submitted for oral presentation or for poster presentation: In both cases, abstracts should be no more than 800 words in length, including diagrams, charts, and references. Due to generous support by the A. P. Møller Foundation, the Carlsberg Foundation and the University of Copenhagen, there will be no conference fee.

New deadline for abstract submission: June 9, 2017.

Further details here

Local organizers: Karoline Kühl, Jan Heegård Petersen, Frans Gregersen, Gert Foget Hansen

On behalf of the organizers
Karoline Kühl

Karoline Kühl
Lektor, ph.d. / Associate professor, PhD

Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen
Danske Stemmer i USA og Argentina / Danish Voices in the Americas
Institut for Nordiske Sprog og Sprogvidenskab / Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics

Emil Holms Kanal 2, 22.4.49
DK-2300 København / Copenhagen
Danmark / Denmark<http://http/>
