

Hi Michiko,

How about this model:

EV1: Patient group 1
EV2: Patient group 2
EV3: Controls
EV4: age
EV5: sex
EV6: Patient-specific nuisance variable.

About mean-centering: if the contrasts will only compare groups (EV1, EV2
and EV3), such that all other variables are never tested on their own, then
there is no need for any mean-centering.

This should also address the template issue: use all subjects, or a
balanced random composition of members from all three groups.

All the best,


On 20 May 2017 at 15:28, Michiko <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear FSL experts,
> I am planning to run a 3 group analysis with TBSS on DTI data and have
> some specific questions I hope to get some advice on:
> The aim is to compare if diffusion indices (e.g. FA) significantly differ
> between the 3 groups - particularly between patient groups. Running a quick
> t-test shows there is significant difference in disease duration, one of
> the variables specific to the patient groups and which we have to account
> for in the model. What is the best way to conduct the analysis?
> I am thinking of running 2 models as follows:
> Model 1 -
> subjects: everyone
> regressors: mean ptgrp 1, mean ptgrp 2, mean HC, confounders available for
> everyone (e.g. age, demeaned across everyone)
> contrasts: ptgrp 1 vs HC, ptgrp 2 vs HC, ptgrp 1 vs ptgrp 2
> Should this model test only ptgrp 1 vs HC and ptgrp 2 vs HC as opposed to
> also including testing ptgrp 1 vs ptgrp 2?
> With this model, is it OK to leave it as such and not include the other
> pt-specific confounders since I am conducting model 2? Or is it better to
> regress out within-pt group duration differences (by demeaning within
> groups)?
> Model 2 -
> subjects: ptgrp 1 and ptgrp 2
> regressors: mean ptgrp 1, mean ptgrp 2, all possible confounders (demeaned
> across all pts, also including previous covariates in Model 1, but
> re-demeaned to new mean calculated from pt-only groups???)
> contrasts: ptgrp 1 vs ptgrp 2
> I am also using the -n flag for tbss_2_reg (study-specific template). In
> this case, because model 2 only includes the patient groups, would I have
> to redo the step involving creating the study-specific template in order to
> run model 2? i.e. having to generate a new template for this purpose.
> Thanks very much in advance!