

Hi Chiara,

Ah, sorry, I see for the local app the trailing / before the beginning 
of the query string does not work

So it should be



And so forth

Hope this helps.

On 05/30/2017 02:22 PM, Chiara Salvagni wrote:
> Dear Bridget Almas,
> thanks for your reply. I am looking now at how CTS requests can be added, since if I write http://localhost:5000/api/cts/?request=GetCapabilities I receive the message: "The requested URL was not found on the server".
> Thanks again.
> Chiara Salvagni
> On Tue, 23 May 2017 14:52:55 -0400, Bridget Almas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi Chiara,
>> The following requests should work
>> http://localhost:5000/api/cts/?request=GetCapabilities
>> This returns the CTS Inventory of texts which are available in the
>> repository.
>> You can then find urns for individual editions and translations in that
>> response, and feed these to the GetValidReff request
>> http://localhost:5000/api/cts/?request=GetValidReff&urn=
>> urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-grc2
>> This returns a list of passages
>> You can drill down to lower levels by adding a level parameter
>> http://localhost:5000/api/cts/?request=GetValidReff&urn=urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-grc2&level=2
>> (the number of levels is identified in the CTS Inventory metadata for
>> the edition)
>> And finally retrieve text by requesting a passage urn (individual or
>> range). e.g.
>> http://localhost:5000/api/cts/?request=GetPassage&urn=urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-grc2:1.1-1.10
>> (The following quick guide I wrote up recently for the CTS Handle
>> project might also be helpful:
>> Hope this helps,
>> Best
>> Bridget
>> On 05/23/2017 02:10 PM, Chiara Salvagni wrote:
>>> On Sun, 21 May 2017 23:44:34 +0100, Chiara Salvagni <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Dear Clérice Thibault and dear all,
>>> I have been looking at the http://localhost:5000/api/cts which should allow us to browse, and I still get the error:
>>> <CTSError><type>MissingParameter</type><message> Request missing one or more required parameters </message><documentation></documentation><possibleRequests><request><param name="request">GetCapabilities</param><legend>Retrieve a list of available resources in the API</legend></request><request><param name="request">GetPassage</param><param name="urn"/><legend>Retrieve a passage of a text identified by given urn</legend></request><request><param name="request">GetPassagePlus</param><param name="urn"/><legend>Retrieve a passage of a text identified by given urn with its metadata (Previous, next URNs, Label)</legend></request><request><param name="request">GetPrevNextUrn</param><param name="urn"/><legend>Retrieve previous and following passage of a given urn</legend></request><request><param name="request">GetValidReff</param><param name="urn"/><param name="level"/><legend>Retrieve children reference of given URN at given level. For range, level=0 will retrieve same level passage inside the range</legend></request><request><param name="request">GetFirstUrn</param><param name="urn"/><legend>Retrieve the first child of given URN</legend></request><request><param name="request">GetLabel</param><param name="urn"/><legend>Retrieve metadata about given edition or translation identified by its URN</legend></request></possibleRequests></CTSError>.
>>> I looked at the CTS specifications here,, and at the CTS files inside the release you pointed out to us. Am I understanding right, that it is there I have to look, so as to solve the error message?
>>> Thanks again.
>>> Chiara Salvagni
>>>> Dear Clérice Thibault,
>>>> thanks a lot. Now I understood everything. The interface http://localhost:5000/ works fine and I can see everything. I'll look at the other, the http://localhost:5000/api/cts and figure out what the CTSError I am seeing means and is. I would like to know how this project will go on.
>>>> Chiara Salvagni
>>>> On Sun, 21 May 2017 18:32:51 +0200, Thibault Clérice <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Chiara and members of the list,
>>>>> Unfortunately not all the texts of Perseus have been converted to
>>>>> CapiTainS guidelines for the moment. To have only texts which pass the
>>>>> guidelines, you'll have to download the release.tar.gz that are available
>>>>> in each given repositories such as
>>>>> . There is two part of the server, one is the CTS API (and some other APIs
>>>>> like a DTS skeleton), the second is the UI which has no XSLT whatsoever but
>>>>> allows you to browse at least :) It should be possible to provide one but I
>>>>> would really need some support on making the app-building mores streamline
>>>>> before going there. If any of you has some spare time ;)
>>>>> As for the directories, they are loaded together but not as "browsable"
>>>>> collections . They are just merged. Any other system would make it quite
>>>>> more complex for the end user at the moment :)
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Thibault
>>>>> 2017-05-21 17:26 GMT+02:00 Chiara Salvagni <[log in to unmask]>:
>>>>>> Dear Clérice Thibault,
>>>>>> I did as you suggested and, after a few testings, I managed to change the
>>>>>> file into an exec. I load a directory and I run the server. The results are
>>>>>> that certain files are said to be not present, in other cases there are
>>>>>> errors parsing and in others it does say: 'does not accept parsing at some
>>>>>> level (most probably citation)'. When I click on open server I obtain this
>>>>>> error: "CTS error thrown MissingParameter for (request missing one or more
>>>>>> required parameters)' and I open a xml page with no stylesheet information
>>>>>> available. I can see a page only if I open the link:
>>>>>> http://localhost:5000/. In this page I see a default collection with some
>>>>>> Greek and Latin texts. Should I manage to see the directory I loaded?
>>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>>> Chiara Salvagni