

With apologies for cross-posting.

Intellect is delighted to announce that the new issue of Drawing: Research,
Theory, Practice (2:1) is now available.

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Articles within this issue include (partial list):


Envelopes of time: Drawing Boulez’s third milieu

Authors: Juan Jose Guerra-Valiente

Page Start: 41

French composer Pierre Boulez first formulated the concepts of the ‘smooth
and the striated’ in his musical oeuvre as an expression of his concerns
regarding the interaction between continuous and discontinuous musical
parameters referred to time and space. Later on, Deleuze and Guattari
further established new applications for these ideas relating them to a
wide range of non-musical purposes. However, several questions arise such
as how the smooth-striated communicate, transform and remain different; is
there a third space that intermingles with the system ‘smooth-striated’?
And in this instance, how could it be visualized? In order to give answers
to these questions, this article explores a third milieu, also introduced
by Boulez: the ‘fixed’ space-time that would allow the perception of the
communication between the ‘smooth and the striated’. Additionally, this
article argues that there is a strong link between the ‘fixed’ and the
Deleuzian diagrams, through which the musical concepts could be visualized,
presenting a series of drawings as case studies developed using analogical
and digital techniques.

Drawing to read architectural heritage

Authors: Serra Akboy-İlk

Page Start: 97

Architectural documentation is a contextual study that aims to record
patterns of lives and rudiments of civilization embedded in the built
environment. Documenters collect measurements from historic surfaces and
then transcribe these field data into 2D measured drawings that include
existing architectural, material and structural conditions. Although the
documentation activities seem very straightforward, with a series of
actions to portray the architectural heritage through graphical records,
the process itself is an interpretive account of the historic structure,
which documenters thickly describe in the architectural context. The act of
seeing, observing, interpreting and then capturing the essence of cultural
heritage offers a methodical process, which carries significant qualities
similar to that of thick description widely used in ethnographic fieldwork.
Thinking between architectural documentation as an enquiry of thick
description and measured drawings as the product of an interpretive account
of what the historic structure denotes, this article seeks to acquire an
understanding of drawing in architectural documentation, focusing on
engagement with cultural heritage.

Exploring drawing as a generative act: Articulating thought processes in
the context of interdisciplinary approaches to drawing pedagogy

Authors: Asmita Sarkar

Page Start: 157

This article offers an approach to drawing pedagogy and presents case
studies of drawings produced by students from Srishti Institute of Art,
Design and Technology, Bangalore, South India. The project aims to examine
whether the conceptual and subjective aspects of drawing can be combined
with contextual reading. Students were instructed to draw pictures inspired
by texts related to cognitive psychology, anthropology, literature and
philosophy. Their whimsical and speculative drawings incorporated
conceptual elements from the texts beyond objective representation,
demonstrating the influence of interdisciplinary course content on drawing.
The results provide new insights into debates of visual literacy and
drawing pedagogy.

Katy Dalli | Marketing Assistant

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