

1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics
15-17 June 2017, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The conference gathers about 660 participants and 600 presentations:

Register online for the conference until the 29th of May at 

Keynote Speakers:

o Marc Hallin, Universite Libre de Buxelles, Belgium.
o Xuming He, University of Michigan, USA.
o Marc Paolella, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
o Herman K. van Dijk, Erasmus University Rotterdam and University Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Ana Colubi, Erricos J. Kontoghiorghes, Tsung-I Lin, Yasuhiro Omori, Byeong Park and Mike K.P. So.

Scientific Program Committee
Alessandra Amendola, Eric Beutner, Monica Billio, Cathy W.S. Chen, Ray-bin Chen, Ming-Yen Cheng, Jeng-Min Chiou, Sung Nok Chiu, Taeryon Choi, Bertrand Clarke, Aurore Delaigle, Jean-Marie Dufour, Yang Feng, Alain Hecq, Inchi Hu, Salvatore Ingrassia, Yongdai Kim, Robert Kohn, Carlos Lamarche, Degui Li, WK Li, Yi Li, Zudi Lu, Geoff McLachlan, Samuel Mueller, Marc Paolella, Tommaso Proietti, Artem Prokhorov, Igor Pruenster, Jeroen Rombouts, Huiyan Sang, Tak Kuen Siu, Xinyuan Song, Mark Steel, Jianguo Sun, Nobuhiko Terui, Alan Wan, Lan Wang, Toshiaki Watanabe, Yoon-Jae Whang, Heung Wong, Valentin Zelenyuk, Helen Zhang, Ping-Shou Zhong and Hongtu Zhu

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