——Apologies for cross-posting——

Dear colleagues,

We have extended the early bird registration for the Corvallis ATLAS.ti Summer Workshop Series. Now, you can make use of a 25% promotional discount until May 10th.  For more information, please visit the program website here:  www.corvallis2017.eventbrite.com.

Also, we would like to let you know that we are implementing a new free webinar series in qualitative methodology in Spanish and Portuguese.  Researchers from Spain and Latin America will be presenting on their qualitative research projects.  To learn about this series, visit the program website here: http://www.investigacioncualitativa.cl/encuentros-virtuales-de-investigacion-cualitativa/

Finally, we are continuing this year the webinars series on qualitative methodology we have in partnership with the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM) and the University of Georgia’s Program of Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies. To register for these webinars, please visit the program website here: https://www.ualberta.ca/international-institute-for-qualitative-methodology/webinars/master-class-webinar

Looking forward to having you in our events this year.


Ricardo B. Contreras, PhD
Applied anthropologist
Training & Partnership Development
Phone: 1 (541) 286-4391 / 1 (866) 880-0231 (toll-free US and Canada)
ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH

ATLAS.ti Office for the Americas
PO Box 2466
Corvallis, OR 97339
United States