

ECREA Communication History Section Workshop

"Our Group First! Historical perspectives on Minorities/Majorities,
Inclusion/Exclusion, Centre/Periphery in Media and Communication”

Budapest, 7-9 September 2017

“Our group first!” A familiar chant, which echoes past times in
contemporary voices has recently gained momentum in the political discourse
in Europe and the United States with resonance all over the globe. The
claim and focus of such demands is however not new, but rather restorative
with illustrious historical predecessors. Throughout history, communication
has always been used to disseminate stereotypes, narratives and social
myths aimed to the end of creating clear distinctions between a superior
“us” and the “other”. Drawing lines between “us” and “them” is functional
in negotiating senses of community and belonging and goes way beyond its
political use. However, inclusion always harbors exclusion as well and the
identity of groups also demarks their boundaries. For this workshop the *ECREA
Communication History Section* invites scholarly presentations to shed
light on questions of inclusion/exclusion, minorities/ majorities and
centre/periphery in communication.

The goal is to understand such practices throughout a variety of historical
and cultural settings and to learn from the past for contemporary
challenges. The workshop allows for a scope ranging from the macro level of
national or supranational societies, to very peculiar particularities of
social groups and issue communities. The workshop is also interested in
work that helps to deconstruct or re-evaluate assumptions about
minorities/majorities, exclusion/inclusion, centre/periphery in a variety
of contexts and as they are constructed or stabilized in academic work.
Submissions dealing with the topics below are specially welcomed, even
though the workshop will be opened to papers dealing with other aspects of
the relation between media, minorities and majorities.

*Minorities through the eyes of the Majorities and vice versa*

In different historical locations the media have claimed to reflect
societies in which they operate, disseminating cultural and social values
that are accepted by the social structure in place, contributing to the
imagination of community. In many cases this has led the media to focus
their attention on majorities, while minorities are mostly ignored or
represented in a negative fashion. Many authoritarian regimes, for example,
have used all sorts of communication technologies, from posters and
literature to broadcasting and newspapers, to promote fear and hate against
minorities while exalting the qualities of those who are said to be the
true patriots.

The concern about how minority groups are represented in public
communication and how they engage in media production has deserved academic
attention with the publication of books and journal issues dealing mostly
with how mainstream media treat disabled citizens and gender, ethnic and
religious minorities, migrants or refugees. We are interested in
submissions addressing the logics, motives and uses of communicative
constructions of normality and deviance, homogenization of cultural norms,
dealing with heterogeneous concepts of life, alteration and hybrid
identities. The workshop will focus on the creation of different types of
minority groups as in-groups and out-groups, the alteration of their
positions, identities and histories.

*Different by choice*

Differentiation and distinction are important ingredients for identity
work. We are interested in communication phenomena and styles, which aimed
at differentiating perspectives and creating alternative communities (e.g.
hackers, tech-nerds) or establish alternative cultural scenes (e.g
religious groups such as the Amish). This ranges from subcultures to the
doing identity of political, LGBT, or activist groups and the conflicts and
struggles they engaged in. Research is invited, which analyses special
media formats produced by or addressing specific niches in the “small
life-worlds of modern man” or highlight specific (protest) campaigns or
identity management practices of such groups. Also representations of such
minorities by choice through the lens of majorities, the mainstream media
or popular culture are welcomed.

*Inclusion and exclusion *

Minorities are often excluded from possibilities of communication that are
taken for granted and offered to majorities. Policy makers and commercial
driven companies often consider as unprofitable bringing communications in
unpopulated areas which leads to the exclusion of specific groups of people
or specific region. Moreover, people tend to self-exclude themselves from
too difficult, too expensive, and too complicated forms of communication.
The workshop welcomes contributions on the history of communication divides
(analogue and digital), and histories of political or business practices
aiming to exclude groups of potential users.

*Minority Media, Majority Practices*

With the decline of mass communication and the slow disappearance of large
audiences the lines between minorities and majorities get blurred when it
comes to reception practices and habits. The discussion on how majorities
and minorities use communication (technologies) and how they are
represented on the media should also take into account the role of
alternative media that, in many different historical contexts, have been
created and operated by minorities. While cases like the Jewish press comes
immediately to mind, feminist magazines and community radio stations are
also examples of how different groups have used the media to promote their
ideas and ideologies among fragmented audiences and compartmentalized
collective identities. Many of these media played a role in in-group
identity construction, frequently transcending borders and linking
transnational audiences. The use of technologies that has widely
disappeared or retracted to small niches or the nostalgic rediscovery of
past media devices that are considered minoritarian will also be discussed.

*Centre and periphery *

Majorities are often at the centre and minorities at the periphery of
infrastructures and networks. While at the centre the flow of communication
is more intense and the speed of connections is higher, at the peripheries
connections can be unstable and less reliable. Nevertheless, peripheries
are also places where unexpected and minoritarian uses of media and
communication emerge. In different historical periods, cities such as
Athens, Rome, Venice, London, and New York have been at the centre of
communication flows while places distant from the centre have to deal with
their peripheral status. Case studies and papers dealing with the
consequences of being central or peripheral in communication will be

*“Us and them” through the history of communication studies *

Another field of inquiry the workshop is interested in is the role of
academic research in observing and thus preserving logics of inclusion and
exclusion through academic work. How do and did media and communication
scholars normalize some media practices and pathologize others? What was
the role of media and communication scholarship in stabilizing social
in-groups while alienating outsiders (e.g. through links to political
propaganda, psychological warfare and similar manipulation strategies or
corporate advertising)? Which myths and narratives are cultivated by media
research and how do prevalent concepts, eligible methods and accessible
sources shape and foster certain understandings of media history,
highlighting specific groups while sidelining others, thus creating an
implicit invisible mainstream? Is thus a biased understanding of majority
and minority groups at a given created in communication history? Which
strategies could be used to deconstruct and re-evaluate existing
assumptions in the light of gender, postcolonial or non-Western
perspectives? How can subgroups hidden in the alleged communication
mainstream be made visible? How are in-groups and out-groups (mainstream
and outsider perspectives) constructed within the academic field of
(historical) communication research?

Abstracts of 500 words (maximum) proposing empirical case studies as well
as theoretical or methodological contributions should be submitted no later
than *29 April 2017*. Proposals for full panels (comprising 4 or 5 papers)
are also welcome: these should include a 250-word abstract for each
individual presentation, and a 300-word rationale for the panel. Send
abstracts to: *[log in to unmask]* <[log in to unmask]>*.* Authors
will be informed regarding acceptance/rejection for the conference no later
than *15 May 2017*. Early career scholars and graduate students are highly
encouraged to submit their work. Please indicate if the research submitted
is part of your thesis or dissertation project. The organizers will aim to
arrange for discussants to provide an intensive response for graduate
students projects. For more information on the workshop please visit:

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