

Dear FSL designers, 

I am trying to run bedpostx_gpu on our university cluster with Nvidia nodes. The fsl version is 5.0.9 and the cuda version is 6.5. The system of cluster is Centos6. When I run bedpostx_gpu, it basically creating folders and log files without doing any real calculation. The following is what terminal shows:
------------ BedpostX GPU Version -----------
subjectdir is /scratch/gaoy3/Diesel/b3000_GPU
Making bedpostx directory structure
Copying files to bedpost directory
Pre-processing stage
Queuing parallel processing stage

----- Bedpostx Monitor -----
/bin/sh: line 1: /scratch/gaoy3/Diesel/b3000_GPU.bedpostX/logs: is a directory
Queuing post processing stage

Would you please give me some suggestions on this?

Yurui Gao