Dear all,

The button boxes is fixed.



Dr. Joerg Magerkurth

MRI Physicist 
Clinical Scientist

Birkbeck-UCL Centre for Neuroimaging
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences
University College London
26 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AP

Phone:      +44-(0)20-7679-4694

On 27 Apr 2017, at 11:23, Fred Dick <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear all,

our Lumitouch button box has been acting up a bit - Joerg and Peter are keeping on top of it, but we don't want people to lose data because of it (as unfortunately just happened).  

You can always tell if something is malfunctioning by watching the black Lumitouch output LEDs - if any light but the first to the left is on constantly (or not coming on), then something is amiss. The LEDS go on whenever a button is depressed, and are ordered 1-10.   

If the box isn't working please email me, Joerg, and Peter ASAP if you don't track us down in B21 when you find the issue (thanks to the folks who have alerted!) 

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