

Dear All,

Here is a review of the evidence for medieval food ingredients, known from plant and animal remains, recovered from excavations in Leicester and environs.  I hope it may be of some use to those interested in medieval food and the environmental archaeology of the Midlands of England, UK.

Monckton, A.' 2015 'Food for the people of medieval Leicester: the Evidence from Environmental Archaeology, pages 245-261. In Kathleen Elkin (ed.) 'Medieval Leicestershire, Recent Research on the Medieval Archaeology of Leicestershire'. Leicestershire Fieldworkers, Monograph No.3, 2015.
(There is a PDF on website under my name.)

The editor has kindly given permission to release the PDF of this paper from the conference volume of the Leicestershire Fieldworkers and more information about the book can be found on their website.

The book also includes papers by ULAS staff on the Archaeology of medieval Leicester by Richard Buckley, Excavations in the medieval villages by John Thomas, and A study of over a thousand human skeletons from the Highcross Leicester by Harriet Jacklin. Other papers cover Woodland in the county, Religious sites, finds and portable antiquities, with an Introduction by Professor Christopher Dyer.

Currently I am working with The Friends of Jewry Wall Museum volunteers to produce a booklet on medieval food and recipes 'A Taste of Medieval Leicester: Food at the time of King Richard III'. This should appear later this year as a follow up to 'A Taste of Roman Leicester: Roman Food for Museum Events' produced in 2014.

Best wishes,
