

Dear all,

the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain) 
is glad to invite you to the followin event:

Seminar on "Challenges and opportunities for a Global Index on Active Aging: 
Lessons from the EU’s Active Ageing Index"


Asghar Zaidi,
University of Southampton and London School of Economics

Date: April 20th 2017, 15h - 17h

Place: Room 40.008 - Roger de Llúria Building - Ciutadella Campus, Pompeu fabra University (Barcelona)


This seminar will present key findings of the Active Ageing Index (AAI) and make the case how it can be
developed further to become a global measure of older people’s active and healthy aging, and wellbeing.
The AAI was born out of the need for a high-quality and independent evidence base to show how
experiences of aging at the individual level can be enriched with higher levels of public policy to improve
labor market engagement and health, and to reduce dependency. A project of European
Commission/UNECE (2012-2015), the AAI is the first major effort to operationalize multidimensional
aspects of active and healthy aging of older adults, in the diverse policy, institutional and economic
contexts of EU countries. By using 22 indicators, the AAI measures active and healthy aging to assess
untapped potential of older people, to capture the baseline position as well as monitor progress and
identify where challenges remain. The Global AAI will put forth comparative and substantive evidence
that can motivate countries that lag behind and prevent the loss of valuable expertise of older people
while strengthening society’s economic and human resilience.

The event is free of charge and reservation is not needed.

Best regards,

Bruno Arpino
Pompeu Fabra University


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