

Hi John,

I thought so too, but after manually reorienting the T1 to the MNI template
I get the same error and I have no clue what the problem is. Do you or
others maybe have any other ideas how to find the cause of the problem?

I attached a link to download the data (original, not reoriented by me).
The subject is from the Bangor dataset of the 100 fcp, see:

here is the link:



2017-03-23 11:01 GMT+01:00 John Ashburner <[log in to unmask]>:

> As usual, my best guess is that the positioning information in the image
> header is corrupt.  I'd suggest trying a CheckReg between your image and
> the MNI-space templates released with SPM.  If the images are not within
> about 4cm and 15 degrees of each other, you should adjust the positioning
> information in the image header.
> Best regards,
> -John
> On 22 March 2017 at 16:57, David Hofmann <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I get the following error during segmentation and I'm not sure what the
>> problem is. It seems the input to the SVD consists only of NaNs:
>>> SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v6365)                     23:42:13 - 21/03/2017
>>> ========================================================================
>>> Segment X:\sub87568\mprage_skullstripped.nii
>>> Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
>>> > In spm_get_closest_affine at 61
>>>   In spm_preproc_write8 at 337
>>>   In spm_preproc_run>run_job at 146
>>>   In spm_preproc_run at 41
>>>   In spm_cfg_preproc8>spm_local_preproc_run at 418
>>>   In matlabbatch\private\cfg_run_cm at 29
>>>   In cfg_util>local_runcj at 1688
>>>   In cfg_util at 959
>>>   In spm_jobman>fill_run_job at 458
>>>   In spm_jobman at 247
>>> Failed  'Segment'
>>> Error using svd
>>> Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf.
>>> In file "..\spm12\spm_get_closest_affine.m" (v6137), function
>>> "spm_get_closest_affine" at line 68.
>>> In file "\spm12\spm_preproc_write8.m" (v6881), function
>>> "spm_preproc_write8" at line 337.
>>> In file "\spm12\spm_preproc_run.m" (v6365), function "run_job" at line
>>> 146.
>>> In file "\spm12\spm_preproc_run.m" (v6365), function "spm_preproc_run"
>>> at line 41.
>>> In file "\spm12\spm12\config\spm_cfg_preproc8.m" (v6798), function
>>> "spm_local_preproc_run" at line 418.
>> Additionally, there is a warning during coregistration which might be
>> related to this:
>>> SPM12: spm_coreg (v6435)                           23:29:07 - 21/03/2017
>>> ========================================================================
>>> Warning: Too many optimisation iterations
>>> > In spm_powell at 46
>>>   In spm_coreg at 149
>>>   In spm_run_coreg at 22
>>>   In matlabbatch\private\cfg_run_cm at 29
>>>   In cfg_util>local_runcj at 1688
>>>   In cfg_util at 959
>>>   In spm_jobman>fill_run_job at 458
>>>   In spm_jobman at 247
>> Does anybody have an idea what went wrong and how to fix it?
>> greetings
>> David