Dear Christine and everyone

As Nicole just mentioned, we have a multimedia option (not a live presentation) in UCL Arena. This replaces part of the application, specifically the case studies that form the largest part of the application (at least in word-count).

The rationale is that it's fairer to people whose fields and expertise are less textual. Applicants are given a fairly free rein and have been known to include short interviews with students.

If you're thinking about assessing, I'd throw these thoughts in:

However, it's not as easy to work with for either applicants or assessors as it might first appear:

For applicants:

For assessors

In haste, those are the issues that come to mind. I'd always have it as an option rather than mandated, and keep the bar low or they'll spend ten times as long as is needed.

Hope this helps, interested in others' thoughts too.


On 3 Mar 2017, at 14:16, Christine Smith wrote:

My question to you, good colleagues, is to ask if you have done something similar and any guidance you might offer. I'd be more than happy to collate responses to share with others.

Dr Jason P Davies
Interim Director, UCL Arena
UCL Arena Centre for Research-Based Education (formerly CALT)
10th Floor, 1-19 Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7HB

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