Dear colleagues,

I am writing, again, from down under to seek your advice. We are using TurntitIn to support our text matching cases  (which is used to identify plagiarism). However, we are receiving more and more cases that are about Ghost Writing. Apart from the expert eyes of linguists who can assist in some extreme cases, are there any other tools that you may be using to assist with such cases? Are you using for example any text analysis tools (e.g. Lexalytics). Or is there anything else to which you can point me?

with warm wishes from a still warm Sydney


Associate Professor Panos Vlachopoulos
Associate Dean Quality and Standards
Faculty of Arts 

Level 2, Building W6A (Room 237)
Macquarie University 
NSW 2109 Australia
T: +61 2 9850 7938

F: +61 2 9850 8240