

* Biology meets Computer Science & Engineering *
University of Cambridge, UK, July 17 to 21, 2017
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Call for Abstracts Deadline: March 31, 2017

Submission instructions here:

Submit an abstract today for the Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer
School & Workshop (SSBSS 2017):

The Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School  is the leading Summer
School for sharing the state-of-the-art developments and achievements made
in the fields of synthetic and systems biology.

The School and Workshop will take place July 17-21 at the Robinson College,
University of Cambridge, England, UK.
The  School and the Workshop is chaired by Massimo Gulisano and Giuseppe
Nicosia, University of Catania - Italy, and Steve Oliver, University of
Cambridge, England, UK.
Submissions not accepted for talks will also be considered in the poster

SSBSS 2017 will focus on advances in the science and technology emerging
from the fields of synthetic biology, systems biology, genome synthesis and
genetic engineering.
The School and the Workshop will highlight new tool development, as well as
the application of these tools to diverse problems in biotechnology,
computational medicine, molecular biology including therapeutics,
industrial chemicals and biofuels, natural products, and agriculture.

If you are engaged in above cited topics that you believe can impact the
state of the science and technology you must consider submitting.

Given the rapidity with which this field moves, it is challenging for both
newcomers and experts alike to stay updated with all of the latest
The goal of this summer school and workshop is to bring together scientists
from academia and industry with diverse but relevant expertise in a setting
conducive to discussion of new results and potential collaborative efforts.
Invited talks will cover a wide range of topics ranging from fundamental
basic science through to applications.
Attendees of this workshop will have the opportunity to hear about the
latest findings in this fast-paced field and to establish collaborations
with scientists who have complementary expertise.

Sessions integrate the recent achievements made in the fields of synthetic
biology, systems biology, biochemical engineering, synthetic enzyme,
evolutionary engineering, integrated omics, tools and methods, and emerging
techniques, healthcare, biofuels, chemicals and materials, biologics,
microbial and mammalian systems, and other disciplines and applications.

Submissions should be related to the following areas of synthetic biology,
systems biology, genome and genetic engineering:

Applications of Synthetic & Systems Biology
Biological Design Automation
Computational/Mathematical Modeling and Design
Computer Aided Design
Directed Evolution
Designing and Writing Genomes
DNA Synthesis, Assembly, and Sequencing
High Throughput Design Space Exploration
Industrial Applications of Synthetic & Systems Biology
Mammalian Synthetic Biology
Metabolic Engineering
Microbial Synthetic Biology / Microbiome Engineering
Molecular Programming
Omics Science and Synthetic & Systems Biology
Pedagogical/Educational Tools
Plant Synthetic Biology
Protein Engineering
Synthetic & Systems Biology for Cell Culture and Medical Applications
Synthetic & Systems Biology of Industrial Microorganisms

* Antonino Cattaneo, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italy
* Jasmin Fisher, Microsoft Research & Cambridge Systems Biology Centre, UK
* Carole Goble, University of Manchester, UK
* Jim Haseloff, University of Cambridge, UK
* Jay Keasling, University of California, Berkeley, USA Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, USA Joint BioEnergy Institute, USA
* Edda Klipp, Humboldt University, Germany
* Natalio Krasnogor, Centre for Synthetic Biology and Bioexploitation,
Newcastle University, UK
* Markus Ralser, Cambridge Systems Biology Centre, University of Cambridge,
UK & The Francis Crick Institute London, UK
* Uwe Sauer, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
* Eriko Takano, Manchester Synthetic Biology Research Centre, University of
Manchester, UK
* Sarah Teichmann, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute & EMBL, European
Bioinformatics Institute, UK

Industrial Panel
* Jonathan Chesnut, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA

Other speakers will be announced soon.

Yaakov (Kobi) Benenson,  ETH Zurich, Basel, Switzerland
Leonidas Bleris,  The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Domitilla Del Vecchio,  MIT, USA
Diego Di Bernardo, Telethon Institute  & University of Napoli "Federico
II", Italy
Barbara Di Camillo, University of Padova, Italy
Barbara Di Ventura, BioQuant/DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany
Simone Furini, University of Siena, Italy
Emanuele Domenico Giordano, University of Bologna, Italy
J. Gootenberg,  Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA
Markus Herrgard, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Paolo Magni, University of Pavia, Italy
Vincenzo Manca, University of Verona, Italy
Giancarlo Mauri, University of Milano Bicocca and SYSBIO - Center of
Systems Biology, Italy
Giuseppe Narzisi, New York Genome Center, USA
Danilo Porro, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Francesco Ricci, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
Gianna Maria Toffolo, University of Padova, Italy
Renato Umeton, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Luca Zammataro, Yale University, USA

SSBSS 2017 solicits talks, posters and tool presentations on
synthetic biology, systems biology, metabolic engineering, computational
biology and genome engineering. The event brings together biologists,
computer scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and physicists interested
in a synthetic and/or system-level understanding of biological processes.

Contributions should be submitted to one of the following categories:
I) Talks,
II) Posters,
III) Tool presentations.

Hosted by University of Cambridge

For more information about the SSBSS 2017 visit us here: