Apologies for cross posting


Museums and organisations that work with museums are invited to put forward proposals to deliver a Museum Practice (MP) workshop for exhibition visitors and conference delegates at the Museums Association (MA) Conference and Exhibition 2017 in Manchester (16-18 November at the Manchester Conference Centre).

The MP workshops take place in the exhibition and are free for visitors, exhibitors and conference delegates to attend.

The workshop programme is designed to offer practical, insightful and case study-led content under four distinct themes: careers; technology and digital; audiences, learning and engagement; and collections, interpretation and exhibition design.  

They are an opportunity for companies, consultants and museum professionals to showcase recent projects, products or services, and lead discussion in a specific area of expertise.

The deadline for submitting a proposal is 31 March. Guidance on making a proposal and an online proposal form are available on the MA website -  http://www.museumsassociation.org/forms/mp-workshop-proposals-2017


Best wishes




Zoe Spencer

Marketing officer, Museums Association

T: 020 7566 7870