

Long Before Brexit: British Takes on Nationalism, Internationalism and 
‘Europe’ in the 1880s-1920s
Talk by Paschal Preston
Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies (WIAS)
University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, 117 Boardroom.
Wed, April 25, 2017


In this WIAS seminar on Wednesday 26 April 2017, 18:00 – 20:00, Paschal 
Preston examines how British political, economic and geographical 
theorists contributed to novel ideas about actually-existing 
globalisation and the potential for supra-national spaces of political 
action, organisation and mobilisation in the 1880s-1920s period.

He will review the ideas of leading political, economic and geographical 
theorists at that time including their conceptualisations of the role of 
communication networks and new media forms during the 1880s-1920s. He 
will examine the question of whether and how the latter were viewed as 
affording new kinds of political coordination, integration or 
mobilisations at the international or ‘European’ levels during that 
period and how these related to competing theories and takes on 
nationalism at the time. Preston will also discuss how these theories 
relate to current debates about Brexit and its aftermath.

This seminar draws on Paschal Preston’s work as a visiting International 
Research Fellow in the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies in 
(WIAS) during the early months of 2017.

Paschal's fellowship explores how major schools and traditions of 
political, economic, geographical and social thought during the 
1880s-1920s period relate to novel conceptualisations of the potential 
for supra-national as well as national political action. He will 
consider the work of writers rooted in the liberal tradition as well 
those more aligned to socialist and social democratic views. These 
include: John Atkinson Hobson; Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse; John Maynard 
Keynes; Leonard Woolfe; Norman Angell; Halford John Mackinder; Keir 
Hardie; Ramsay Macdonald; Beatrice and Sidney Webb; and James Connolly. 
Paschal will also consider some of the related ideas of supporters and 
activists in the international socialist, suffragette and anti-colonial 
movements at this time.

Paschal Preston is Professor Emeritus in the School of Communication at 
Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland. His book-length 
publications include:
"Making the News: Journalism Practices and News Cultures in Europe“ 
(Routledge, 2009)
“Reshaping Communications : Technology, Information and Social Change“ 
(Sage, 2001)
"Democracy and Communication in the New Europe: Change & Continuities in 
East and West“ (Hampton Press, 1995)
"The Carrier Wave : New Information Technology & the Geography of 
Innovation“ (Unwin Hyman, 1988).

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