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Forerunners: Ideas First Series from the University Of Minnesota Press

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Forerunners is a thought-in-process series of breakthrough digital works. Written between fresh ideas and finished books, Forerunners draws on scholarly work initiated in notable blogs, social media, conference plenaries, journal articles, and the synergy of academic exchange. This is gray literature publishing: where intense thinking, change, and speculation take place in scholarship.

See the full series:

Cinema without Reflection

Jacques Derrida’s Echopoiesis and Narcissim Adrift
Akira Mizuta Lippit
   "As media historians seek to understand familiar notions of realism and spectatorship in terms of ethics, participatory relations, and other such criteria, this excavation of Derrida's thinking on and through cinema by Lippit makes a timely and excellent contribution."—Film Quarterly
Cinema without Reflection traces an implicit film theory in Jacques Derrida's oeuvre, especially in his frequent invocation of the myth of Echo and Narcissus. Derrida's reflections on the economies of image and sound that reverberate in this story, along with the spectral dialectics of love, mirrors, and poiesis, serve as the basis for a theory of cinema that Derrida perhaps secretly imagined.
Following Derrida's interventions on Echo and Narcissus across his thought on the visual arts, Akira Mizuta Lippit seeks to return to a theory of cinema adrift in Derrida's philosophy.
Akira Mizuta Lippit teaches film and literature at the University of Southern California. He is the author of Ex-Cinema: From a Theory of Experimental Film and Video (2012), Atomic Light (Shadow Optics) (Minnesota, 2005), and Electric Animal: Toward a Rhetoric of Wildlife (Minnesota, 2000).

University Of Minnesota Press | Forerunners: Ideas First | March 2016 | 82pp |  | 9781517900045 | Paperback | £9.99*
20% discount with this code: CSL317FORE**

How Noise Matters to Finance
Nicholas A. Knouf
As scores of crises over the past century have shown, the stock market is manipulable and manipulated. The market is composed of human-made machines, which are affected by a lack of predictability more fundamental than the human: the noise of the material world. Nicholas A. Knouf draws on historical and contemporary documents to show how noise—sonic, informatic, or otherwise—affects the ways in which financial markets function. How Noise Matters to Finance draws on different forms of financial noise, paying attention to how materiality and the interference of humans and machines causes the meanings of noise to shift over space and time.
Nicholas A. Knouf is assistant professor of cinema and media studies at Wellesley College.

University Of Minnesota Press | Forerunners: Ideas First | July 2016 | 60pp | 9781517901578 | Paperback | £9.99*
20% discount with this code: CSL317FORE**

The Uberfication of the University
Gary Hall
Even after the 2008 financial crisis, neoliberalism has been able to advance its program of privatization and deregulation. The Uberfication of the University analyzes the emergence of the sharing economy—an economy that has little to do with sharing access to good and services and everything to do with selling this access—and the companies behind it: LinkedIn, Uber, and Airbnb. In this society, we all are encouraged to become microentrepreneurs of the self, acting as if we are our own precarious freelance enterprises at a time when we are being steadily deprived of employment rights, public services, and welfare support. The book considers the contemporary university, itself subject to such entrepreneurial practices, as one polemical site for the affirmative disruption of this model.
Gary Hall is professor of media and performing arts at Coventry University. He is the author of Digitize This Book! (Minnesota, 2008), Pirate Philosophy, and Culture in Bits. He is founding coeditor of the peer-reviewed online journal Culture Machine and cofounder of the Open Humanities Press.

University Of Minnesota Press | Forerunners: Ideas First | August 2016 | 74pp |  | 9781517902124 | Paperback | £9.99*
20% discount with this code: CSL317FORE**

Fifty Years of "The Battle of Algiers"

Past as Prologue
Sohail Daulatzai
The Battle of Algiers, a 1966 film that poetically captures Algerian resistance to French colonial occupation, is widely considered one of the greatest political films of all time. With an artistic defiance that matched the boldness of the anticolonial struggles of the time, it was embraced across the political spectrum—from leftist groups like the Black Panther Party and the Palestine Liberation Organization to right-wing juntas in the 1970s and later, the Pentagon in 2003. With a philosophical nod to Frantz Fanon, Sohail Daulatzai demonstrates that tracing the film's afterlife reveals a larger story about how dreams of freedom were shared and crushed in the fifty years since its release. As the War on Terror expands and the “threat” of the Muslim looms, The Battle of Algiers is more than an artifact of the past—it's a prophetic testament to the present and a cautionary tale of an imperial future, as perpetual war has been declared on permanent unrest.
Sohail Daulatzai is associate professor at the University of California, Irvine. He is author of Black Star, Crescent Moon.

University Of Minnesota Press | Forerunners: Ideas First | August 2016 | 104pp |  | 9781517902384 | Paperback | £9.99*
20% discount with this code: CSL317FORE**
 *Price subject to change.
 **Offer excludes the USA, South America and Australia.
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