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‘Archetypes, Ideology and Affective Mythology: What can Jung and Dickens tell us about Rotherham, Savile and the BBC?’ – Dr Darren Kelsey


Teesside University Wednesday 22nd March 4.30pm-5.30pm T2.03 (Middlesbrough Campus)


 This paper provides a Jungian (1959) archetypal analysis of affective mythologies in the child abuse scandals of Rotherham Council and Jimmy Savile. In doing so, it draws parallels between Dickensian accounts of Victorian London and those recent cases where public institutions failed to shed light on the abuse taking place. These cases also show how scapegoating can be selective and manipulated to serve ideological purposes for particular social groups. For example, the far right and sections of the national press took the opportunity to blame Islam and political correctness for Rotherham. However, given wider knowledge of child abuse in other institutions, including the Savile case, we see how those projections onto Muslims did not equate to accusations relative to social class, religion or ethnicity in other scandals. In Jungian terms we saw a widespread feature of the collective shadow in multiple failures to spot the signs that Dickens previously depicted. 


It promises to be an intellectually stimulating event,






Ben Lamb

Senior Research Lecturer in Film, Media, and Culture

T: 01642 384088




School of Design, Culture & the Arts





The University for a changing world





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