Dear Colleagues




Apologies for cross posting but I was wondering whether any of my kind colleagues, had access to, and was willing and able to share copies of their Trusts Pressure Ulcer Competency Documents to form part of a literature search/ information request I am currently dealing with.


Thanking you in advance.


Enjoy your day





Rebecca Stansfield

Assistant Clinical Librarian

Library & E-learning Service

The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Royal Oldham Hospital


Please note my working days are Monday - Wednesday


tel: 0161 627 8463 (Int 78463)

email: [log in to unmask]

internal website:

external website:

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From: Stansfield Rebecca (RW6) PAHNT
Sent: 13 March 2017 12:52
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Pressure Ulcer Competency Documents


Dear Colleagues


Apologies for cross posting but I was wondering whether any of my kind colleagues, had access to, and was willing and able to share copies of their Trusts Pressure Ulcer Competency Documents to form part of a literature search/ information request I am currently dealing with.


Thanking you in advance.


Enjoy your day




Rebecca Stansfield

Assistant Clinical Librarian

Library & E-learning Service

The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Royal Oldham Hospital


Please note my working days are Monday - Wednesday


tel: 0161 627 8463 (Int 78463)

email: [log in to unmask]

internal website:

external website:


Library Resource of the Month