“The search is on for people and projects where individual and organisational learning is driving development and transforming the healthcare sector in the North West. We are looking for brilliant people and brilliant ideas in any digital context.”


I’ve been asked to bring this to the attention of the network, as Jo (one of the organisers) does a lot of work with the teams here. Jo is keen to get more library & knowledge people involved, as we obviously meet her definition of brilliant people!


See the attached press release, or have look at the website: https://www.vsnw.org.uk/nw-health-awards-2017 which also includes the form to submit your nomination, and has more details. Nominations close 12 noon Monday 10 April.


I’m afraid I don’t know any more than that, so have no specific examples of what projects might be nominated, but hopefully the website and press release explain more. It is open to the North West only.


Good luck with your applications!




Emily Hopkins

Programme Manager – Knowledge Management


Health Education England, working across the North West

3rd Floor | 3 Piccadilly Place | Manchester | M1 3BN


T.  0161 625 7362 | 0778 552 8696

E.  [log in to unmask]

W. www.hee.nhs.uk


Every day across the healthcare sector in England, a million decisions are made

Knowledge staff can help you make evidence based decisions #amilliondecisions


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