


> I would like to up sample my GM_mask image so that dimensionality of Subject_t1_brain.nii.gz, is there any method to do that. 

You can set the output resolution and FOV to be anything you want.

All you need to do is to make a reference image of the appropriate size and resolution (the ApplyXFM GUI allows you to do this via a GUI interface if that is easier - just use the "identity transformation" option in this case, as you are simply wanting the output image of the right size, using "Base on: Voxel Dimensions" in the Output Size panel).  For example, you might want an image that is the same FOV as your current VBM outputs but twice the resolution - in this case you need to double the number of voxels and halve the voxel size in mm.

Once you've made an appropriate image for use as the reference (which controls the FOV and resolution of the output) then use this with "applywarp" and you can resample your masks without losing your important high resolution information.

All the best,

> While doing VBM analysis that GM_mask that is generated has dimensionality different from my T1w image after BET ( subject_t1_brain)  and since i have done segmentation on T1w image to extract Hippocampus subfields, the subfield dimensions do not match my GM_mask dimensions and i could not use fslmaths inorder to perform ROI analysis .
> Is there any way to up sample ?.
> Thanks
> Vasudev