

dear colleague,
we remind you that the deadline for the call for papers of the 
Transforming Care  Conference, to be held at the Polytechnic of MIlan on 
June 26-28, is*March 25*.
The conference is part of a new series of TC conferences to be held 
every two years, alternatively in Milan and Copenhagen (2019). It 
includes early child education and care, care for adults with 
disabilities and long-term care for older people in the same broad 
perspective, as components of a more general policy field.
The 2017 conference focuses on the tensions between policy and social 
innovation in care policies on the one hand, and pressures for financial 
and social sustainability of care systems on the other. Care policies 
not only need to respond to changing care needs, but also to be 
financially and socially sustainable, from the perspectives of care 
users, their families and paid care workers.

Abstracts must be submitted through the Conference website, where 
further information about the conference (thematic panels, venue, fees, 
accommodation, etc.) are available:

We hope to meet you in Milan next June!
Costanzo Ranci and TIne Rostgaard