Hello dear Biciculturistas,
The topic of "Biking while Black" and Latino has been coming up with regard to a legislative initiative to bring the Idaho Law to California. 

Anecdotally there are many who do not bicycle because of the discrimination they face, including selective enforcement for rolling through stop signs. The law is expected to make the world safer and more friendly for bicycling and, one hopes, a reduction in harassment stops.

Does anyone have suggestions on data or studies that have explored this issue?
Does anyone have suggestions on additional measures that could reduce discrimination while bicycling?

Although some positive press has occurred, an example of the issue of discriminatory enforcement arising in a challenge to the law is here:
(Please see my response in the comments.)

For a bit more background on the general issue my past work may be helpful. 
Blog articles with links to a presentation, paper and video are here:

Thank you!