

The 1st International Museum Lighting Symposium and Workshops: Call for Abstracts
London, September 11-13 2017

Final Abstract Submission Deadline: March 31st 2017.
Lighting technology and science is a rapidly evolving field. Developments in colour and vision science, materials properties, and illumination and environmental engineering, pose new challenges and offer opportunities for lighting applications in museum environments.  These opportunities must be considered in the context of continuing pressure to improve the sustainability of energy use, and, crucially, to be compatible with existing principles of preventive conservation. Innovative design and energy management integration is even more critical than in the past, particularly with regards to the introduction of higher colour temperature lighting and intelligent lighting systems.
The 1st International Museum Lighting Conference (London, September 11th-13th 2017) , aims to explore all recent research and applications in the field of museum lighting, providing a dialogue platform for scientists, conservators, curators, architects, lighting professionals, and other academics and professionals working in the field. The conference is jointly organised by the Centre for Doctoral Training in Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA) founded by University College London (UCL), University of Brighton, and Oxford University and the Society of Light and Lighting.
We invite abstracts on (but not limited to) the following topics:
Human Colour Perception: Colour Appearance, Colour Constancy, Individual Differences in Colour Vision
Technology and Innovation: Spectrum Fine-Tuning, Energy Efficiency, Constraints, Daylighting, Connected Lighting, Luminaire Design, Light Sources
Physics of Light Measurement: Metrology, Colorimetry, and Photometry
Preventive Conservation and Policy: Materials Behaviour, Light Sensitivity Testing, Collections Management, Display Techniques
Visitor Experience: Visual Performance, Cognition, Behavior, Interpretation, Display Context, Emotions, Education, Colour preference
We particularly welcome collaborative work between academia, government, heritage institutions, and industry demonstrating successful applications of integrated science and technology in display and ambient illumination.
Abstracts should be  no more than 1000 words (and may contain figures and tables) and should be submitted by 31st of March, 2017. All submissions will be double-blind reviewed. Following the conference, accepted authors will be invited to submit longer papers to a dedicated special issue.

Submission is open, and accessible at

Anya Hurlbert MD PhD
Professor of Visual Neuroscience
Director, Centre for Translational Systems Neuroscience
Dean of Advancement
Newcastle University NE2 4HH UK 