

The Environmental Anthropology listserv split into two groups last year. Some people got fed up with the reverse problem - political and some off-topic discussions occurring with frequency. Now, 'EAnth for announcements' is pretty moribund. Because it is only for announcements, and they are supposed to be 'related to the listserv topic' people worry about posting much else there than CFPs and book announcements. EAnth Discuss, the one for extended debate,  barely functions at all and has only 300 or so members who joined, last time I looked. An enlightened listserv manager would probably merge them, but it hasn't happened yet. 
 Not a good idea. 

Prof. Simon Batterbury | Chair of Political Ecology | B504, Lancaster Environment Centre | Lancaster University | Lancaster, LA1 4YQ | UK, Europe. s.batterbury@   +44 (0)1524 662207
& Principal Fellow, School of Geography, University of Melbourne

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