Hi, critters!
plaNext - next generation planning (http://journals.aesop-planning.eu/), the journal of AESOP Young Academics, is seeking a couple members for the Editorial Board, details below.
I'd be happy fo chat informally for any doubt or question.
And a reminder that vol 3 (edited by me and Patsy Healey) is just out and that we have an open call for manuscripts (deadline May 30).
Best wishes,

The international open access journal plaNext––Next Generation Planning is pleased to invite applications from prospective members to join its Editorial Board. The new members are expected to make positive contributions to the growth and advancement of plaNext. Our Editorial Board members actively work in the management of the review process, submit papers for publication in plaNext, act as peer reviewers and partake the management of plaNext. The Board members work through a more alive and informal process, and expect the new members to have the same spirits. 

plaNext is AESOP peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality and original research. plaNext is an online open access journal managed by the Young Academics Network of AESOP. The fundamental approach taken by plaNext is to provide prospective authors an opportunity to engage their ideas in international planning debates as well as make their research available to the wider planning audience.

Applications should be no more than one A4-page and should outline the motivation for joining the Editorial Board. It may also present the applicant’s academic publishing experience, and contribution to the Journal as an Editorial Board member. Please e-mail your application to Dr Feras Hammami, Editor-in-Chief, at [log in to unmask], with the subject ‘plaNext Editorial Board Application 2017’, no later than 15th April 2017.

We look forward to receiving your application.


plaNext Editorial Board

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Simone Tulumello
Post-doc research fellow, ULisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais

latest publications:

Tulumello S. (2017) Fear, Space and Urban Planning. Springer (link) / Tulumello S Healey P (2016) Questioning planning, connecting places and times. plaNext special issue (link) / Tulumello S. (2016) Toward a critical understanding of urban security within the institutional practice of urbanplanning. JPER (link) / Tulumello S. (2016) Multi-level Territorial Governance and Cohesion Policy. EJSD (link)