

University of Edinburgh
School of Mathematics and BioSS

Date: Friday 10th March, 15:10 Location: JCMB 6201

Speaker: Idris Eckley, University of Lancaster

Title: The times they are a changin’: recent developments in changepoint analysis

Abstract: Changepoint analysis has a rich history with early work dating back to contributions by Page, Shirayev and Hinkley. With the advent of low-cost sensors capable of recording data at high sampling rates there has been a surge of interest in the development of new methods for tackling change-point problems in recent years. Much of this work has focused on the analysis of univariate time series, developing computationally efficient approaches to the multiple changepoint problem. In this talk I will give an overview of recent research, arising from collaborations with various industrial partners, that seeks to develop methods which are both scalable and help practitioners take account of the realities present in contemporary signals.

This seminar is a part of Maxwell Institute seminar series.

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