

Transferring Publisher:  Novus Forlag
Transferring Publisher contact name: Geir Røsset
Transferring Publisher contact email: [log in to unmask]
Transferring Publisher Journal URL:
Society (if applicable): Department of Modern Languages at Uppsala
University, Sweden
Journal Title: Karib: Nordic Journal for Caribbean Studies
Print ISSN: -
Online ISSN: 2387-6743
Journal DOI: 10.16993
Journal Frequency: Continuous
Receiving Publisher: Stockholm University Press
Receiving Publisher contact name: Sofie Wennström
Receiving Publisher contact email: [log in to unmask]
Receiving Publisher Journal URL:
Effective Transfer Date: 2017-02-07
Notes on any special circumstances: 
Digital Preservation Agreements: CLOCKSS; LOCKSS;
Perpetual access policies: Both Publishers will have archive Also,
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