

Hello everybody,

I have question regarding DARTEL, I hope someone can explain me this step, because in the SPM12 manual I do not find the right explanation.

Starting from a T1-w image in native/subject space, I run the segmentation and generate the c1.nii, c2.nii (in subject space) plus the "Imported Dartel" rc1.nii and rc2.nii images.
Then, as a second step, I run "Create Template" from the rc1.nii and rc2.nii images.
In output, I get the file u_rc1_Template.nii for each subject plus the final Template_6.nii image.

At this point, how can I transform the individual subject's T1-w image (in native space) to the final normalised MNI space?
If I am not mistaken, the u_rc1_Template.nii allows a transformation from the rc1.nii and rc2.nii space to the normalised MNI space. However, it doesn't take into account the transformation from subject space to "Imported Dartel" space (the rc1.nii and rc2.nii image space).

Thank you in advance,

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Marco Ganzetti, PhD

Movement Control & Neuroplasticity Research Group
Tervuursevest 101, 3001 Leuven

email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>