

Dear Peter and experts,

I checked and tried PEB and found something interest.
However, I’m not sure my analysis is correct.

After estimated the spectral DCM for each individuals, I followed the website to assemble the DCMs in a group DCM. Then, for estimating a second level PEB model, I entered condition effect and within-subject covariance to the Covariates in GUI (so the Covariates > Specify design matrix > Design matrix was entered as 60 x 31 double, 60 was due to 30 participants with 2 condition and 31 was due to 1 conditional effect and 30 within-subject covariates) because my data is between-subject design as described before.
I will attach a screen shot of PEB - Review Parameters.
What do you think about this analyses? 
And can I interpret the result as that conditional effect was confirmed in the connection of Parameter 2 (e.g., region A to B), 3 (region B to A) and 4 (region B to B) ?
Please give me a clue. Thank you for reading through.

Best regards, Toshi

2017-02-16 22:50 GMT+09:00 Zeidman, Peter <[log in to unmask]>:
Hi Toshi
You forgot to CC the SPM mailing list :-) I have done so for you, in the hope you get a reply from a resting state DCM expert. I suspect that best practice will be to use the new PEB (Parametric Empirical Bayes) framework in SPM12 to model condition as a between-groups effect at the group level - instructions at .


-----Original Message-----
From: Toshi Kawagoe [mailto:toshikazukawagoe@GMAIL.COM]
Sent: 16 February 2017 11:18
To: Zeidman, Peter <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: different DCM results between simple averaging and BPA averaging

I appreciate your kindness.

My data were resting-state fMRI data. I'm trying to do the spectral DCM which is more suited for such data.
I have 2 conditions (10 mins for each) although they are both resting-state (open and close eyes, for example). These are different sessions (counter-balanced order). I mean the long-time break between those sessions. So I did not create the single file. Also, because only 2 ROIs were considered for those data, I did not care for the model selection and I defined the full-connected one is winning (but should I do the selection?).

The following script is that I did for one subject in one condition.
Actually, I do not have confidence the set driving input and connection parameters.
Could you point out the wrong point and any comment.


spm_dir = strcat(**spmdirectory**);
% Specification DCM ---------------------------------------------------------------

% Load SPM.mat for DCM
% read GLM file "SPM.mat"

% Load time series of VOI
DCM.xY(1) = xY;
DCM.xY(2) = xY;

DCM.n = length(DCM.xY);  % number of regions DCM.v = length(DCM.xY(1).u); % number of time points DCM.Y.dt  = SPM.xY.RT;
DCM.Y.X0  = DCM.xY(1).X0;
for i = 1:DCM.n
    DCM.Y.y(:,i)  = DCM.xY(i).u;{i} = DCM.xY(i).name;
DCM.Y.Q = spm_Ce(ones(1,DCM.n)*DCM.v);

% Driving Input registration
DCM.U.dt = SPM.Sess.U(1).dt;
n_sess = 1; %<--- Edit for user = [];
DCM.U.u    = [SPM.Sess(1, n_sess).U(1, 1).u(33:end,1)]; %<--- Edit for user,
DCM.delays = repmat(SPM.xY.RT,DCM.n,1);
DCM.TE     = 0.03; %<--- Edit for user: TE edit for user

DCM.options.nonlinear  = 0;
DCM.options.two_state  = 0;
DCM.options.stochastic = 0;
% DCM.options.nograph    = 1;

% Setting Connection Modelling -------------------------------------------------------
% DCM.a: Intrinsic connection
% DCM.c: Driving input
% DCM.b: Modulatio input
% DCM.d: Nonlinear modulation

% Intrinsic connection
DCM.a = [      % <--- Edit for user

% Driving input
DCM.c = [      % <--- Edit for user

% Modulation input
% n_area x n_area x n_factor
DCM.b = zeros(DCM.n, DCM.n, 1);

% NonLinear modulation
% n_area x n_area x n_area
% DCM.d = zeros(DCM.n, DCM.n, DCM.n);

DCM_name1 = 'DCM_cond1.mat'; %
save(fullfile(spm_dir,DCM_name1),'DCM'); % <--- Edit for user

DCM = spm_dcm_fmri_csd(fullfile(spm_dir,DCM_name1)) ; % spectral DCM


Best regards, Toshi