

Hi SPM users,

I have some questions regarding the existing vs. creating template while running DARTEL:

1.  We tried to run 200 brains together (i.e. input 200 rc1*, 200 rc2*, and 200 rc3*), and run one brain (i.e. one rc1*, one rc2*, and one rc3*) at a time, using existing template. It seems the outputs are different. I was wondering why there are such differences, and whether they are very significant? Did SPM perform averaging with the 200 brains, and why?

2.  If only a couple of brains are included in a study, is it better to run DARTEL with existing template, as the template generated from this small number of brains are likely to be biased? What is likely to be the minimum number of subjects that "creating template" is more preferable?
