


    I'm a newbie to use SnPM in my SPM8. Three questions below and hope some expert could help.
    (1). In my experiment, N=22. Should I choose without or with smoothed variance? (I've searched the archive but couldn't find the principles)

    (2). It seems easier to report results if I use "without smoothed variance" because I can just use the SnPM critical threshold in my SPM Results to obtain the results table and use it to report peak voxel coordinates (if I choose voxel-wise inference). However, how can I get the results table if I use "with smoothed variance"? I know how to get SnPM_filtered.nii and overlay it on my group mean structural image, but it didn't show results table. Here I can not use the SnPM critical threshold in my SPM Results to obtain the results table, right? 

    (3). In one of my group analyses, I want to identify brain activity correlated with an individual behavioral score but regress out the effect of age (i.e., I got two covariates). It seems that SnPM still does not allow multiple regression, right?

    Thanks in advance. 