

Dear SPM experts,

My colleagues and I are attempting to do the MVPA for our event-related
fMRI data analysis. We are doing the preprocessing with SPM12. Our
preprocessing steps go as following.

1. time series realignement [Realign: Estimate & Reslice]
2. coregistration between fMRI and sMRI [Coregister: Estimate]
3. Segment
4. normalisation to a standard space  [Normalise: Estimate & Write]
5. fMRI model specification
6. Model estimation

Now we are supposed to do the step "Contrast manager" step(in fact, t-test)
to begin the final MVPA work. To illustrate, say we have two
contrasts: "*larger
reward vs. small reward*";  "*larger loss vs. small loss*" for the MVPA.
Our aim is to see whether the MVPA can discriminate the comparison between
them.  To reiterate, the comparison means:  "larger reward vs. small
reward" COMPARED TO "larger loss vs. small loss".

So I was wondering whether I can directly do this t-test: *(larger reward-
larger loss)* vs.* (small reward -  small loss)*. From the mathematics
perspective, this t-test is equal to the comparison as I described above.
This opens a further question, can we do the MVPA with only one t-test, say
 "larger reward vs. small reward" in my case?

Any comments on our analysis are much appreciated.

Thank you very much,
Simi Luck