

Dear RAMESES list,
I have a question/request about Rapid Realist Reviews. I have been back through the RAMESES archives and seen some references that Anna Manzano sent a Masters student in 2016 (very helpful); read a discussion thread from 2015 about reviews; and I have read the Saul (2013) paper. My question (or perhaps it is more of a request), was that I was hoping people could point me in the direction of any examples of high quality RRR? I was also wondering if anyone was currently doing one and wouldn’t mind getting in touch to discuss it ([log in to unmask])?  If you are doing one (or have done one), I am interested in what your justification for doing this and not a full review or realist synthesis was (other than the obvious cost/time/policy-maker audience issues)? 
I am currently working on a study and there is a specific area of literature that we would potentially like to explore to help us better understand some of our programme theories. The literature we are keen to access includes a lot of grey literature and we are considering looking at this using an RRR to complement the realist evaluation work we have ongoing that is looking at patient experience in inpatient mental health settings. Our thoughts about why we are interested in using the RRR approach are largely focused on wanting something targeted to inform our realist evaluation, but  I am just trying to decide on the most appropriate method and so any pointers would be gratefully received.
Best wishes,