

** This list is managed by Dr Evangelos Himonides (UCL), on behalf of the Society for Education and Music Psychology Research (sempre), and aims to serve as a discussion forum for researchers working at the shared boundaries of science and music. This list was previously managed by the Institute of Musical Research. **


[Apologies for cross-posting]

KOSMOS Dialogue “Music, Emotion, and Visual Imagery”
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
June 1-3, 2017

Call for Participation

Music can elicit powerful emotional reactions in the listener that are often accompanied by visual imagery (e.g., landscapes, friends, scenes of past events, colours, abstract shapes etc.). The aim of this KOSMOS Dialogue is to contextualize the research topic within broader currents of the cognitive sciences and humanities by bringing together researchers from different fields to map out interdisciplinary links and to elaborate paradigms, techniques and methods to be able to study the relationships between music, emotion, and visual imagery. Proposals for research reports and short position statements will be welcomed from researchers in any discipline from the sciences, social sciences or humanities that may be able to shed light on the ways in which music and visual imagery interact in creating an affective response.

The KOSMOS Dialogue will be led by Mats Küssner, André Weinreich (both HU Berlin) and Tuomas Eerola (Durham University), who will also give a public lecture entitled ‘How music evokes emotions’.

Submissions should be made electronically in Word or PDF format to [log in to unmask] by 15 Feb 2017. Please provide your name, postal and email addresses, and any institutional affiliation on the first page. Start your proposal on the second page and write no more than 250 words.

The format of the KOSMOS Dialogue particularly welcomes the participation of early-career researchers (PhD students and Post-Docs). We are able to provide a limited number of travel bursaries to help cover the costs of attending the KOSMOS Dialogue. To be eligible for a travel bursary, you must be a full- or part-time student or an unwaged delegate who has been accepted to participate in the KOSMOS Dialogue. To apply, please provide the following information on a separate sheet of paper: name, affiliation, contact address, email, status, country of residence and amount of funding sought. Please explain why you are unable to obtain funding from other sources and how attendance of this KOSMOS Dialogue benefits your future research.

We aim to notify all applicants of the outcome of the reviewing process by the end of March 2017.

Dr Mats B. Küssner
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Post-Doc)
Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 2093-2623
Twitter: @matskussner