Call for Submissions

Deadline: July 1st 2017


Choreographic Practices special issue


Performing Ecologies in a World in Crisis

Guest edited by Sondra Fraleigh and Robert Bingham


This issue is dedicated to exploring questions that connect dance and performance to a global context of environmental crisis.  We invite submissions that consider how the choreographic, broadly conceived, interrogates and illuminates the nature of environmental crisis, explores the relationship of human and other-than-human world, and/or charts pathways towards a more sustainable and equitable future. In light of a growing sense of urgency around the need to change dominant patterns of thinking and practice in relation to planetary resources, we invite, in particular, submissions taking intellectual and aesthetic risks that push authors and readers alike to consider anew our place in the world as humans.


We do not set limits on how environmental crisis is defined, welcoming submissions that connect dance and choreography to contexts of global warming, climate change, Anthropocene, species extinction, environmental justice, colonialism or other frameworks that focus on specific local or global crises and histories.  We also welcome proposals that critique the notion of environmental crisis and its urgency. 


In keeping with the aesthetic and intellectual ethos of Choreographic Practices, we invite diverse perspectives taking the form of critical essays, creative documentation, blogs in print, visual essays, dialogues, interviews and debate. We encourage submissions in both conventional and alternative modes of writing, including performative and visual essays.


We are seeking a broad range of perspectives addressing dance practices in relation to environmental crisis.  Possible areas of focus in this respect include:


Aesthetics of environmental crisis in dance and performance

Animal studies and the human animal in dance

Cultural studies, crisis, and dance

Dance and performance in the Anthropocene

Dance and somatic pedagogies in the Anthropocene

Dance, spirituality and ecology

Dance, capitalism, and crisis

Eco-criticism and dance

Ecological frameworks for dance and performance

Eco-psychology and dance


Environmental dance

Movement arts and environmental humanities

Site-specific dance and the environment

Somatic psychology, dance and ecology



Submission Guidelines

It is our intention to publish this special issue in Spring 2018.  Please submit completed contribution by July 1, 2017 to [log in to unmask]


If you have any questions about the theme or focus of your submission please, in the first instance, contact Sondra Fraleigh or Robert Bingham (guest editors for this special issue): [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]


Instructions for Authors

1. Full article should be approx 6,000 words or equivalent in other formats. Include article title, abstract (200 words) and 6 keywords.

2. Shorter submissions and submissions employing nontraditional modes of writing are also welcome. Include article title, abstract (200 words) and 6 keywords.

3. In another document, please include author’s name, affiliation and biography (200 words), and contact details, including postal and email addresses.

4. Format: Word format File

5. Labeling: Clearly name your file with the title of your submission

6. Spacing and fonts: Please double-space your article and use Arial (or similar) font, size 12.

7. Referencing: Choreographic Practices follows the Harvard Style Guide with a full reference list at the end of the article. See Intellect’s Style Guide for full presentation details.

8. Images: Choreographic Practices will be able to carry photographic images. If you have access to high quality images appropriate for your article it would be very helpful if you could send 2 or 3 such images in a separate file but with your article. Images should be sent as JPeg or tiff files at 300 dpi. If you are able to send us images please ensure that each contains relevant information including date, title and name of photographer and that the file name is clear.

NB. You are responsible for obtaining all appropriate permissions.

9. Writing style: We encourage a diverse range of writing styles and layouts in line with the form, purpose and content of each submission. You might also consider our readership of dance artists, scholars, students, teachers, academics and practitioners in dance and related fields when writing. It will also be assumed that the author has obtained all necessary permissions to include in the paper items such as quotations, musical examples, images, tables, etc.



Peer Review

Choreographic Practices is an international peer-reviewed journal, thereby all articles published in the journal undergo rigorous peer-review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. All reviewers are internationally recognized in their fields. Peer-review reports will normally be returned to us within two months and the editors will provide feedback to you shortly after. Submission of an article to the journal will be taken to imply that it presents original, unpublished work not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article have been given to the publishers.




If you have more general questions about Choreographic Practices or how to submit, contact Vida Midgelow at: [log in to unmask]


We very much look forward to receiving your submissions and continuing the conversation.


Guest Editors,

Sondra Fraleigh

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Robert Bingham

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Vida L Midgelow PhD
Prof, Dance and Choreographic Practices
Director of Research Degrees

Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries
Middlesex University,
The Burroughs,
NW4 4BT,

Co-Editor, Choreographic Practices
PI, Artistic Doctorates in Europe: Third Cycle Provision in Dance and Performance (Erasmus+)
Led co-ordinator, Transdisciplinary Improvisation Network
Co-Director, Choreographic Lab

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