

Although I'm afraid its rather short notice, I've been asked to publicise an event this coming Friday 17 February in the National Library of Scotland Board Room, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.

Further details at 

Booking at 

....and some brief blurb below.

Many thanks,



National Library of Scotland collaborative academic research showcase

18th century Scottish travellers and mapping

The Library hosts its first annual collaborative research showcase to celebrate and promote research collaborations with the academic community.

For this first showcase we take a themed approach, focusing on collaborations over 18th-century Scottish travellers and mapping.

Three of our academic partners present their research and consider their experience of working with the National Library of Scotland.

Three of our curators consider relevant collections and the additional input that the Library can make to a collaborative research project, including digital mapping, digitisation, web content, films, exhibitions and PhD support.

Although this showcase focuses on the 18th century, many of the concepts are relevant to collaboration over other periods and subjects. We encourage academics who are interested in formal collaborations with the Library to attend.

The showcase will be a networking opportunity.

17 February 2017
11.15 onwards
National Library of Scotland Board Room, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.

Chris Fleet
Map Curator | Collections and Research Department 

National Library of Scotland
159 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PH
Tel: 0131 623 4670
Email: [log in to unmask]
Facebook:  /NationalLibraryofScotland 

National Library of Scotland, Scottish Charity, No: SCO11086

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