

Hi - no the command line that Giulia used is fine as it is.
Instead, what might be happening is the size of the data (number of volumes) is incompatible with the number of bvals/bvecs in the text files.
Which version of FSL are you using? Recent versions should do this check internally and spit out a comprehensible error message.


On 27 Feb 2017, at 10:59, John anderson <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

Your command must be like this
dtifit --data=data.nii.gz --out=dtifit --mask=nodif_brain_mask --bvecs=bvecs --bvals=bvals



I'm trying to use dtifit for a really simple DT estimation, but getting the following error:

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NEWMAT::IndexException
Abort trap: 6

This is the command line I use:
dtifit -k DTI_analysis/data.nii.gz –o DTI_analysis/dtifit/dtifit –m DTI_analysis/reg/mask.nii.gz -r DTI_analysis/dtifit/bvecs30 -b DTI_analysis/dtifit/bvals30

But I'm getting the same error even trying to launch it from the GUI, both when selecting the individual files and when giving the folder option (renaming files with standard names). And even when changing computer/version of FSL.

Anyone having an idea of what could be the mistake? That would be really useful. I saw similar questions in the past, but with no answer.

Thanks in advance !
