A really excellent annual conference in Sheffield in July –




Hi everyone

Please spread the word far and wide - here is our CALL FOR PAPERS!


Kate and Julia


Literacies@Sheffield presents


Valuing the Visual in Literacy Research


International Conference



4th-5th July 2017


The Edge, University of Sheffield



How do we understand the relationship between literacy and the visual? This conference seeks to explore the many intersections between written and spoken language and the visual. Making sense of the visual in relation to literacy important in an age of social media and rapid change in representational practices. This has key implications for literacy education. By valuing the visual we are acknowledging the lived experience of children young people and adults in homes, communities and schools. This conference will explore the intersections between the visual, everyday life, representational practices and literacy.

We welcome research that looks at graphic novels; film; images; maker spaces; multimodality; virtual spaces; social network sites; animation; gamers; Art; design (im)materiality, mulitilingualism and the post human.

Call for papers

Please send abstracts to newliteracies@sheffield by 17th April 2016. Abstracts should be up to 350 words and based on the assumption that presentations will be 30 minutes with 15 minutes discussion. Please signal whether your abstract is for a paper, a Short Fuse presentation or for a poster.

Paper Session: A 30 minute presentation of research or an argument. 15 minutes allowed for questions.

Short Fuse: Specifically for research students; the Short Fuse is a popular slot & is designed to allow many presentations in a focused and lively form. The format involves 10 PowerPoint slides only, with the total presentation being 5 minutes- plus 5 minutes for questions. You should set your slides to advance automatically for your talk.

Poster: You should bring your printed poster with you. We would also like to encourage people to bring along artwork to share and we can curate a small exhibition across the two days.

For more information, please visit www.sheffield.ac.uk/education/visual



Sam Fielding

Marketing & Events Assistant

School of Education

University of Sheffield

388 Glossop Road


S10 2JA


phone extension: 28116



Voted #1 for student experience

Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2014-2015



Professor Kate Pahl

Professor of Literacies in Education

School of Education

University of Sheffield

388 Glossop Road

S10 2JA

Tel 0114 222 8112

Twitter: @katepahl

*********************************** ESOL-Research is a forum for researchers and practitioners with an interest in research into teaching and learning ESOL. ESOL-Research is managed by James Simpson at the Centre for Language Education Research, School of Education, University of Leeds. To join or leave ESOL-Research, visit http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/ESOL-RESEARCH.html To contact the list owner, send an email to [log in to unmask]