

Hi all,

Are any of you familiar with any literature out there (academic, policy, project evaluations, etc.) examining multistakeholder forums? I am ideally looking for literature in relation to forestry/resource extraction but will much appreciate any references/general directions to get me going. Thanks in advance!

All the best,

Juan Pablo

Dr Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti 
2016. 'Peruvian protest documentary reveals the dark side of economic success', The Independent []

2016. 'When Two Worlds Collide: Peruvian protest documentary shows flipside of economic growth', inThe Conversation. []

2016. 'La comunidad en los tiempos de la Comunidad: bienestar en las Comunidades Nativas asháninkas', in Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines 45(1): 157-172.

2016. 'The Angry Earth: Wellbeing, Place, and Extractivism in the Amazon', in Anthropology in Action 23(3).