

Dear colleagues,


just a short reminder: from 27 to 29 September 2017 we are organising the conference „Coping with Uneven Development in Europe: Socio-economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarisation” in Leipzig/Germany and we are still accepting abstracts for contributions.


Although throughout the European Union, policy makers are promoting social, economic and territorial cohesion, we are currently witnessing rising disparities at all spatial scales. The conference aims to gather findings on these processes of socio-spatial polarisation. A focus will be on political, economic and community-based strategies as a response to growing uneven development and on the limitations and negative impacts of current regional, social and economic policies across Europe. We are inviting scientists, policy consultants and policy makers from regional, national and European levels to engage with each other through interactive discussion formats, foto-/ video-presentations and paper sessions as well as during two excursions.


The renowned researchers Costis Hadjimichalis (Harokopio University), Merje Kuus (University of British Columbia), Andreas Faludi (Technical University Delft), John Pickles (University of North Carolina), Ray Hudson (University of Durham) and Dina Vaiou (National Technical University of Athens) will share their ideas on the topic with the participants.


Abstracts for contributions including the name(s) and affiliation(s) of contributor(s) and the type of session (paper presentation, discussion session, video presentation, poster) can be sent to Franziska Görmar ([log in to unmask]) until 15 February 2017. We are particularly welcoming contributions in alternative formats. 


More information about the conference including the detailed Call for contributions is available at


More information about the project RegPol² is available at


Best regards




Franziska Görmar
Project Management Assistant RegPol²

Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde
Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography
Schongauerstr. 9

04328 Leipzig
fon: +49 (0)341 60055-190
fax: +49 (0)341 60055-198
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

The current RegPol² newsletter is available at


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