Please circulate widely (apologies for cross-posting).


We are excited to announce that the newest issue of The Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography (JUE vol. 6 no. 2) has been published, with original articles by undergraduate students conducting ethnographic research on street protest in Brazil, meaning-making among non-religious students and among Greek Orthodox monks, kindergarten retention, and farmers' markets and class.


“Vem Pra Rua”: Music, Race and Social Media in the Brazilian World Cup Protests of 2013
G. Maris Jones

Freedom and Emptiness: Investigating the Experience of Meaning-Making among Non-Religious Students
Alex Popper & Femke van Hout

A Look at Lived Hierophany: Eroticism, Ethics and the Eucharist in a Greek Orthodox Hermitage
Lucas Kane

Retention in Kindergarten: A Case Study of Teacher Perceptions and Practices
Haley Wofford

Untangling the Web of Food, Class, and Culture: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Farmers’ Market in Lexington, Kentucky
Jamie Vescio



I'm also pleased to announce that we have organized a special panel at the upcoming Eastern Sociological Society (ESS) meeting, taking place in Philadelphia from February 23-26, for some of the students who have recently published in the journal to present their work. Four participants responded to our call for participants -- including one who's coming from the Netherlands! We think it's a great opportunity for them to gain conference experience and showcase their work, and for JUE to get some added publicity.

Here are the panel details:

Paper Session: Research from the Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography (Sponsored by the Committee on Undergraduate Education) -- Saturday Feb 25 | 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Organizer & Presider: Richard E Ocejo, John Jay College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
If you are attending ESS this year, we hope you will stop by the panel and support these wonderful students and their work. If not, please encourage your colleagues to attend it.  We hope to see you there!


Lastly, please share this CFP announcement with undergraduate students, especially if you are teaching (or taking) a class that involves ethnographic methods.

Call for Papers: The Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography
The Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography (JUE) is an online journal for research conducted by undergraduates. We distribute original student-produced work from a variety of disciplinary areas. Our goal is to bring readers, especially other undergraduates, insights into subcultures, rituals and social institutions. The JUE encourages current undergraduates or those who have graduated within the past twelve months to submit original ethnographic manuscripts for consideration. Papers may include research on any topic. We also encourage faculty to recommend promising student work.

Submissions are welcomed for our next issues. Deadlines are January 31 and July 31. Please check out our website ( for submission guidelines and past issues

For more information contact Martha Radice at

Dr. Martha Radice
Editor, Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography
Associate Professor, Sociology & Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University