

Hi All,
What am I missing here? We’re pushing EMA by Blackboard and the Rubric seems to me to be pretty flawed…..
While it is highly valuable to be able to work through a calculated, weighted score which can then be finessed by a tutor, it is completely and utterly unacceptable to show students a variety of possibly contradictory moderated scores in the feedback. Is that what you see too? Or is there a setting I’m missing that allows the marks in a weighted percentage rubric to be totally hidden always from students with no possibility of error? If you use the full bells and whistles rubric and then modify a raw score and then that is second marked and then reconciled, the student can see mixed marks via rubric feedback…..
Unless you know different……

Mark Gamble, MSc BA CertEd FHEA
Head of Learning Technology, Centre for Learning Excellence (Rm D006), University of Bedfordshire, Luton, LU1 3JU
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